Prihajajoči turnirji
29.11. ob 17:00 FNM Cube @ MCC Celje
Vintage Cube
Rewards: Promos!
Cube list:
Točkovanje in pravila lige
- Win: 3, loss: 1, draw: 1
- Vsak mesec se upoštevajo največ trije najboljši turnirji.
- Nagrade se razdelijo na prvem prereleasu naslednje sezone.
Bonus points
- - Slap the King! [+3] Win a match against the first ranked player.
- - Stay away peasant! [+1] Win a match as the first ranked player against the second ranked player.
- - King of the Sewers! [+3] Win a match against the other worst performing player so far this season participating in this tournament.
- - Limited padding [+3] Extra points for attending a 3 round limited tournament.